Get ready to play around with brush & paints, and create a masterpiece with me!
You will create a beautiful landscape starting from scratch. You will explore on what colors to use, how to easily blend them together, different colour palettes to use in this detailed workshop.
You will learn different techniques using acrylics in this workshop. You will also get hands on creating fine details in your painting which will improve the smoothness and perfection of your strokes using brushes.
It’s a complete guided session for a sweet-small batch of 10 participants :)
Open for all starting from 12 years and above.
Dialogues Space
Kormangala, Bangalore
*Fees include all the materials and refreshments*
Participant Age: 12 years & above
Materials: Each participant will be given a round stretched canvas of 10 inches. You will be provided acrylic paints, brushes, color palette, and all other materials required during the workshop.
We will learn to create the exact painting as shown above in picture!
I will be guiding you through the whole process while you will be creating beautiful art all on your own.
Don't worry, instructions will be considering beginners and non artist.
Come with all the enthusiasm and experience your creative juices flowing while you create a masterpiece!